Do You Eat Meal in Your Bedroom? Vastu Tips for Do Not Eat Food On Bed

It is Explained By Dr Puneet Chawla in this Video that Do not East on Bed and don not Brings outside Thing, Pickles and other Things should not be displayed in Bedroom . Maintain and keep Your Bedroom.

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  1. According to ancient scriptures, the teachings of Vastu Vidya were spread across for the welfare of humans. These Vastu rules were set up in order to help all humans lead a happy and peaceful life. As per the Ayurvedic scriptures related to food by Shushrut, Charak, and Manu, eating food facing the eastern direction provides a long life. It helps in the proper digestion of food, enhances the body’s digestive fire thus enabling a person to be hale and hearty. It is also very important to give importance to the following factors for a healthy eating-
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  2. It is said that a woman should offer her prayers to the God and offer prasad before she eats anything herself --- eating before offering food to Goddess Laxmi can make the Goddess upset with you.
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